Welcome to the 2024-25 Houston County Fair & Youth Livestock Show!

The Houston County Fair is THE PREMIER EVENT each year to showcase the animals and home & garden entries that represent so many generations of our county families. In fact, the 2024 Houston County Fair Sale of Champions brought in over $700,000 for the students involved in FFA and 4-H, believed to be a record amount.

The Houston County Fair supports these young people and their families, and fortunately our businesses and industries have supported us – both local businesses and surrounding county business. This allows us to make strides in improving things for the next generations.

As you walk around the fair, you will notice we have made several improvements. Thanks to local business contributions, last year we were able to update our swine wash area. This year we are working to improve the cattle barn and build a wash area for them. And we have plans to continue for years to come, making this a great facility to help our youth.

On behalf of the entire Fair Association Board, I want to encourage all fair attendees to practice hospitality, showing courtesy and respect to other fairgoers, workers, and visitors to our great county. Let’s make the 2025 fair a safe and enjoyable environment, and show off the hard work that we have so diligently put in.
See you at the Fair!
Clayton Smith